ALOHA and WELCOME to AYSO Section 7 Hawaii
We are an ALL VOLUNTEER organization

AYSO's Vision is to provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives
AYSO's Mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies:
Everyone Plays®
Balanced Teams
Open Registration
Positive Coaching
Good Sportsmanship
Player Development
In AYSO, every child plays at least 50% of every game. Players from 4 to 18 years old can sign up. No prior soccer experience is needed. They just need to have a desire to play. We have beginning players to high school all-stars in our program.
AYSO is child-first and child focused with an emphasis on developing the whole child.
Every decision, every rule and every program has "what's good for the kids" as its basis. Every boy and girl stepping on a soccer field for the first time can have fun.
AYSO's child-first approach also makes it one of the finest player development programs. Everybody likes to win, but developing successful players and people is what's fundamental in AYSO.
AYSO Soccer is one the most Affordable youth sports programs in Hawaii. Registration fees are typically under $100 per season and includes a full soccer uniform and socks. We are an all VOLUNTEER organization and that helps keep costs down, so we depend on parents to be involved with their children by helping with coaching, refereeing, setting up fields, team coordination, etc. By volunteering, it helps the community as a whole and teaches our children about giving back to the community. All our registered volunteers go through a background check through our national office.
We have Regions all over Hawaii with programs on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu. You are not limited by geographic boundaries like some other youth sports programs. You can live in Ewa Beach and play in Kailua if you choose.
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